I was astonished by this, imagining that the amahagger were much too gloomy a folk to indulge in any such frivolity . 这使我大为惊诧,我无法想象这些死气沉沉的阿马哈格人何以能爱好这种轻松愉快的活动。
Only trivial things makes you gloomy a whole day , actually it is not so bad 其实一点小事就使你郁闷一天,情况并不总是那么糟。
" but why , valentine , do you persist in anticipating the worst , - why picture so gloomy a future ? “但是,瓦朗蒂娜,你为什么要绝望,而且把未来看得这样可怕呢? ”
" talking of countries , " replied franz , " of what country is the count , what is his native tongue , whence does he derive his immense fortune , and what were those events of his early life - a life as marvellous as unknown - that have tinctured his succeeding years with so dark and gloomy a misanthropy 他靠什么生活?他这种庞大的财产是从哪儿得来的呢?他的生活是这样的神秘莫测,在他的前期生活中,曾发生过什么大事,以致使他在后来岁月中抱有这样黑暗阴郁的一种厌世观呢?